Thrive18, launched by Project Destiny in 2018, employs a community health worker (CHW) model, ensuring that residents facing social barriers receive assistance from the outreach team who understand the community’s unique needs and context. CHWs identify health-related social challenges, such as food insecurity, housing, education, transportation, and utilities. The outreach team also facilitate connections with community organizations and healthcare providers to promote holistic care. The main concepts of Thrive18 are to stabilize health by meeting basic needs, improve the well- Launched by Project Destiny in 2018, Thrive18 utilizes a community health worker (CHW) model to support residents facing social barriers. These outreach team members understand the community’s unique needs and help identify health-related social challenges such as food insecurity, housing, education, transportation, and utilities. They also connect residents with local organizations and healthcare providers to foster holistic care. Thrive18’s key goals include stabilizing health by addressing basic needs, such as housing, food, employment, and childcare, improving the well-being of Northside residents by tackling social determinants, and supporting vulnerable populations through an outreach approach, a centralized wellness center, and enhanced data collection to track health outcomes.